Current Term Classes

Fall 2024

Class registration for the Fall 2024 term begins on August 5 for SCPS degree and certificate students.

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies may cancel, modify, or make substitutions for any published class or program, may change instructors, and may change the dates and times a class is offered. The information published here and in the catalog is subject to change.  For the most up-to-date and complete information, please use the SIS Class Search.  

Find classes for the current term listed below in alphabetical order by program. 

Degree Programs

BIS students should register in BIS classes. Classes outside of BIS are by permission of your advisor. See class details for restrictions. Others may register with program permission as Community Scholars. Community Scholar registration opens during the fall and spring terms.

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

ISBU 3451: Fundamentals of Marketing 
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Oct 12-15 (Reading Days); Nov 5 (Election Day); Nov 27 - Dec 1 (Thanksgiving Recess) 
Introduction to marketing principles and activities in both profit and non-profit enterprises, from the conception of goods and services to their consumption. Participants study consumer behavior as well as ethical, environmental, and international issues in marketing.  Prerequisite: ECON 201 and 202 or equivalents, or instructor permission. 
King Kenney | 3 UG Credits 

ISBU 3840: International Business
Cancelled 8/20/24  
An introduction to the practice and theory of international business. Consideration given to global trade and economic integration theory; the major instruments and procedures needed for management and operation of an international business; modes of international market entry and foreign direct investment; strategies appropriate to managing an international business; global environmental issues; and the importance of culture and ethics in international business.  Prerequisite: ISBU concentration prerequisites or instructor permission.  
John Hulburt | 3 UG Credits 

ISBU 3888: Looking Through the Philosophic Lens of Technology  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Explores ways in which the history and philosophy of technology can inform today's liberal arts students about the role of technology in our society.  Covers current and historical topics as well as explores and develops a personal philosophic approach to the application of technology.  
Yitna Firdyiwek | 3 UG Credits  

ISHU 3623: Studio Art Seminar: Painting  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day)  
Introduces painting techniques and concepts, with emphasis on the understanding of its formal language and the fundamentals of artistic expression. Explores color theory, linear perspective, pictorial composition, figure/ground relationships, visual perception, spatial concepts, and critical thinking skills.  
George Andrews | 3 UG Credits 

ISHU 4080: Religion and Politics  
Online Synchronous | Mondays 7-9:45pm | Sep 2-Dec 2 | No class Oct 14 (Reading Day) 
Explores the relationship between religion and politics.  Examines how the relationship has changed over time and place, what the relationship should be, and how prior religious and/or political commitments affect how answers to these questions are structured. 
Robert Kirsch | 3 UG Credits 

ISHU 4170: African-American Novels  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day)  
Focuses on African American novels from 19th century through the present. Examines topics such as literary realism and naturalism, protest fiction, and magical realism. Considers race and gender relations, communal and individual identity, and the modern legacy of slavery.  
David Horton | 3 UG Credits 

ISIN 4510: Special Topics in Conduct of Inquiry: Social Sciences: Economics of Terrorism  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Explores the historical trends and modern day threats of terrorism to society through economic analysis in combination with political schemes. The application of empirical and theoretical economic/political approaches to terrorism provides an understanding of the prospective approaches by policy makers to these occurrences, founded in the study of rationalism, cost/benefit analysis, comparative advantage, and utility.  
Michael Schnur | 3 UG Credits 

ISIN 4510: Special Topics in Conduct of Inquiry: Social Sciences: The Virginia Experience  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Oct 12-15 (Reading Days); Nov 5 (Election Day); Nov 27 - Dec 1 (Thanksgiving Recess)  
Utilizes popular culture, archaeology, material culture, and traditional sources and methods to examine issues in American history as experienced by Virginians. Explores early contact, roots and development of American institutions and culture, the American Revolution, nation building, sectionalism, Civil War, Reconstruction, segregation, Civil Rights, and contemporary controversies.  
David Corlett | 3 UG Credits 

ISIN 4520: Special Topics in Conduct of Inquiry: Humanities: The World of Jane Austen 
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day)  
Analyzes the major works of Jane Austen. Explores the social, cultural, economic, and political themes of the novels in their original contexts through a combination of class discussion and written assignments. Considers the resurgence in popularity of Austen's works in recent years, especially film and television portrayals of her novels.    
Richard Floyd | 3 UG Credits 

ISLS 3000: Transformations: Reading, Thinking, and Communicating in the Liberal Arts 
Online Synchronous | Mondays & Wednesdays 12-1:15pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Oct 14 (Reading Day), Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Develops reading, writing, critical thinking, technology and research proficiencies necessary for success at college level and beyond; orients students to the culture of the University and the community of the BIS program. Introduces the breadth of campus resources and addresses academic advising; utilizes the theme of transformation as subject matter for reading, writing and discussion to provide opportunities for multi-disciplinary exploration.  
Charlotte Matthews | 3 UG Credits 

ISLS 3000: Transformations: Reading, Thinking, and Communicating in the Liberal Arts 
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Develops reading, writing, critical thinking, technology and research proficiencies necessary for success at college level and beyond; orients students to the culture of the University and the community of the BIS program. Introduces the breadth of campus resources and addresses academic advising; utilizes the theme of transformation as subject matter for reading, writing and discussion to provide opportunities for multi-disciplinary exploration.  
David Horton | 3 UG Credits 

ISLS 3000: Transformations: Reading, Thinking, and Communicating in the Liberal Arts 
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day)  
Develops reading, writing, critical thinking, technology and research proficiencies necessary for success at college level and beyond; orients students to the culture of the University and the community of the BIS program. Introduces the breadth of campus resources and addresses academic advising; utilizes the theme of transformation as subject matter for reading, writing and discussion to provide opportunities for multi-disciplinary exploration.  
Robert Henry | 3 UG Credits 

ISLS 3211: Russian Politics  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-1:15pm | Aug 27-Dec 5 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day), Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Explores Russia's political themes of the 20th century, especially events since the fall of the Soviet Union. Includes Russia's tentative steps towards capitalism and democracy in the last two decades. Employs different analytical tools to craft an interdisciplinary portrait of Russia. Provides an opportunity to substantially improve critical thinking and basic academic writing.  
Yuri Urbanovich | 3 UG Credits 

ISLS 3250: The Notion and the Heft of Home  
Online Synchronous | Thursdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 29-Dec 5 | No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Explores the myriad meanings of home through such questions as: is home a preposterous notion? Considers and analyzes personal definitions of home. Explores readings from sermons of Puritan New England to personal narrative of Native Americans to testimonials of the homeless. 
Charlotte Matthews | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 3300: Issues in Cultural Anthropology  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day)  
The course includes a general review of key concepts and problems in anthropology, including the concept and nature of culture, its relationship to language, economics, politics, kinship and religion as documented among different societies around the globe. The course focuses on ethnographies and on contemporary anthropological research (the study of identity, race and ethnicity).  
Lillian Wallace | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 3810: The American Presidency  
Online Synchronous | Mondays 7-9:45pm | Sep 2-Dec 2 | No class Oct 14 (Reading Day) 
This course addresses the constitutional role and historical development of the American Presidency.  We will also examine the theoretical explanations of the institution's relationship to democratic government, the separation of powers, and the expansion of national administrative power.  This broad understanding of the historical and theoretical presidency will inform our consideration of current events and upcoming presidential elections.  
Robert Guttman | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 3888: Looking Through the Philosophic Lens of Technology  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Explores ways in which the history and philosophy of technology can inform today's liberal arts students about the role of technology in our society.  Covers current and historical topics as well as explores and develops a personal philosophic approach to the application of technology.  
Yitna Firdyiwek | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 4000: The Experience of the Great War: Life and Literature  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Drawing on histories and literature, including autobiographies, poetry, and novels, this course focuses on the experiences and mentalities of those who fought in World War I, as well as those who remained on the home front. The realities and myths of the Great War are explored. An emphasis is placed on British, French, and German writings about the Western Front as well as some consideration of the fighting on the Eastern Front and in Turkey.  
Ann Marie Plunkett | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 4131: Community Perspectives in Mental Health Disorder  
Online Synchronous | Thursdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 29-Dec 5 | No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Introduces students to psychological disorders and mental health concerns prevalent in today's society. Examines the symptoms of each disorder and various treatments. Explores the impact of mental health disorders on individuals and communities. Helps students develop an awareness of mental health disorders and provides strategies for assisting others.  
Alan Rasmussen | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 4300: America in the 1960's: A Decade of Turbulence 
Online Synchronous | Thursdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 29-Dec 5 | No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break) 
Examines the issues of ideology, race, gender, faith, war, the youth movement, as well as the politics of the Great Society social programs and voting rights.  Explores music, the draft, and the counter culture, including a new conservatism also present amidst the violence at home and abroad. 
Clifford Haury | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 4430: Topics in Developmental Psychology  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Oct 12-15 (Reading Days); Nov 5 (Election Day); Nov 27 - Dec 1 (Thanksgiving Recess)  
Analyzes major theoretical approaches to understanding the development of perception, cognition, language, personality, and social interaction. Challenges students to critically analyze assumptions and methods that underlie developmental research findings. Provides opportunities for students to conduct independent research on course-related topics.  
Clair Berube | 3 UG Credits 

ISSS 4431:  Topics in Cognitive Psychology 
Online Synchronous |Thursdays 7-9:45 PM | Aug 29-Dec 5| No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break) 
Examines the theoretical bases for the study of thinking, consciousness, and the mind, with a focus on current research findings. Topics include learning and memory, language, reasoning, decision-making and cognitive neuropsychology. Challenges students to design a small-scale experiment and connect their findings to applications in professional, personal, or education contexts. 
Abigail James | 3 UG credits  

ISSS 4610: Economics of Climate Change  
Online Synchronous | Mondays 7-9:45pm | Sep 2-Dec 2 | No class Oct 14 (Reading Day) 
Examines all aspects of global warming, emphasizing appropriate government policies such as carbon taxes, cap and trade systems, and clean technologies to limit future carbon emissions. Provides students with economic background and tools to address the public policy issues related to climate change.  
Andrew Wilson | 3 UG Credits 

Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management

PSHM 3010: Introduction to Healthcare Management: Applying Concepts to Practice 
Online Synchronous | Thursdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 29-Dec 5 | No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Provides an introduction to healthcare management for allied health practitioners. Integrates theory and practice through course presentations, readings, online discussions, experiential exercises, and written assignments. Emphasizes the application of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, within multidisciplinary environments, to both healthcare practice and professional development.  
Mark Erath | 3 UG Credits 

PSHM 4020: Management of Healthcare Organizations  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day)  
Provides an overview of the management and leadership theories, models and practices used to improve the operations and performance of healthcare organizations. Students will enhance their ability to analyze the problems of healthcare organizations and develop strategies to improve decision-making, performance, and quality in healthcare. Prerequisite: Completion of PSHM 3010  
Herron Mitchell | 3 UG Credits  

PSHM 4050: Understanding Diversity in Healthcare  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Oct 12-15 (Reading Days); Nov 5 (Election Day); Nov 27 - Dec 1 (Thanksgiving Recess)  
Prepares students to understand the importance of providing culturally appropriate care to diverse populations, and introduces students to the systematic as well as disciplined approaches used to incorporate diversity management and cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare. Explores relevant organizational dynamics and organizational policies that are necessary to effectively manage a healthcare organization.  
Kevin Jackson | 3 UG Credits 

PSHM 4650: American Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Provides foundational overview of the structure and function of the US healthcare system. Promotes critical discussion of history and current status of organizations and delivery systems. Examines challenges facing providers, patients, and policy makers, as healthcare becomes more complex. Utilizes current events and media to explore controversies related to labor, finance, access, and health disparities. Req: Admission to BPHM or BIS Program. 
Mark Hutchinson | 3 UG Credits 

PSHM 4900: Capstone I: Development of the Health Sciences Management Project 
Online Synchronous | Mondays 7-9:45pm | Sep 2-Dec 2 | No class Oct 14 (UVA Reading Day) 
Introduces the development of the health sciences management capstone project; students select a relevant project or research question and a focused topic of investigation, conduct a comprehensive literature review of the topic, engage with a project mentor, plan out the research project and complete a capstone project proposal. Prerequisites: Completion of PSHM 4400. 
David Corlett | 3 UG Credits 

PSHM 4950: Capstone II: Health Sciences Management Project Implementation 
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 
Focuses on the successful completion of the student's capstone project proposed in PSHM 4900 Capstone Course I. Integrates the knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired in the BPHM degree program and applies them to a problem or opportunity for improvement in the healthcare management field. Students conduct a project in a real world healthcare management setting. Prerequisite: PSHM 4900 
David Corlett | 3 UG Credits 

Master of Public Safety

PSPS 6000: Transformational Leadership in Changing Times  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 15 | Synchronous sessions Tuesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Explores public safety leadership concepts and essential approaches needed in forging lasting, collaborative relationships with the public they serve. Students will analyze complex social and security issues. While maintaining a mindset of sociocultural awareness and sensitivity, students craft solutions to those public issues by applying advanced knowledge of public safety planning, management, and response. Prereq: Admission to MPS Degree Prog.  
Shannon Dion & Eric Plummer | 3 GR Credits | Required  

PSPS 6000: Transformational Leadership in Changing Times  
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 16-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Tuesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Explores public safety leadership concepts and essential approaches needed in forging lasting, collaborative relationships with the public they serve. Students will analyze complex social and security issues. While maintaining a mindset of sociocultural awareness and sensitivity, students craft solutions to those public issues by applying advanced knowledge of public safety planning, management, and response. Prereq: Admission to MPS Degree Prog.  
Tracie Keesee & Thomas Bradshaw | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6005: Practical Applications of Risk Management in Public Safety Operations 
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 16-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Students will learn a theoretical & applied process to identify risks in every job description in their respective public safety agency. From this basis of risk identification, students will gain skills & knowledge to design & update control measures to proactively prevent tragedies from occurring. Final project will be a development of an instrument to recognize, prioritize, mobilize to address identified public safety risks in community/agency. 
Gordon Graham & Michelle Wucker | 3 GR Credits | Elective  

PSPS 6010: Constitutional Framework of Public Safety  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 15 | Synchronous sessions Mondays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Explores the Constitution as the ethical compass that guides the work of public safety professionals and cement a fundamental understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the subsequent 27 amendments. Students will develop a detailed understanding of both the powers and limitations that arise from the Bill of Rights, and closely examine the evolution of the rule of law that frames and guides their work.  
Gladis Griffith & Tani Cantil Sakauye | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6010: Constitutional Framework of Public Safety  
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 16-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Mondays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Explores the Constitution as the ethical compass that guides the work of public safety professionals and cement a fundamental understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the subsequent 27 amendments. Students will develop a detailed understanding of both the powers and limitations that arise from the Bill of Rights, and closely examine the evolution of the rule of law that frames and guides their work.  
Carolyn Johnson & Tani Cantil -Sakauye | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6015: Practical Application and Understanding of Data for Public Safety Managers  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 15 | Synchronous sessions Tuesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Through a step-by-step process students learn to conduct statistical analyses to examine, evaluate, and share relevant public safety related data. Students also learn how to make practical interpretations of the data and methods for decision-making.  
James McElvain & Ben Haiman | 3 GR Credits | Elective  

PSPS 6030: Developing and Implementing Systems of Emergency Preparedness  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 15 | Synchronous sessions Thursdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Examines joint operations and incident command for complex events. Emphasis will be placed on command structure, continuity of operations, public safety response to community/public health emergencies, occupational health and safety, local systems and resources, inter-agency cooperation, and communications and technology support. Students will engage public safety response issues and apply their knowledge through scenario exercises.  
Oscar Odom & Lisa Curtis | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6030: Developing and Implementing Systems of Emergency Preparedness  
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 16-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Thursdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Examines joint operations and incident command for complex events. Emphasis will be placed on command structure, continuity of operations, public safety response to community/public health emergencies, occupational health and safety, local systems and resources, inter-agency cooperation, and communications and technology support. Students will engage in public safety response issues and apply their knowledge through scenario exercises.  
Mark Hoover & Ariel Triplett Wilson | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6040: Creating and Sustaining Community Dialogue  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 15 | Synchronous sessions Tuesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Focuses on the application of communication skills and principles in the context of public safety. Students will gain understanding and practice in engaging communities around such challenging issues as inequality and power; interactions in the aftermath of tragedy; officer fear and anger; historical, political, and economic divides; implicit biases and stereotype threat; and the importance of building coalitions across boundaries.  
Bryon Gustafson & Jay Farr | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6040: Creating and Sustaining Community Dialogue  
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 16-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Focuses on the application of communication skills and principles in the context of public safety. Students will gain understanding and practice in engaging communities around such challenging issues as inequality and power; interactions in the aftermath of tragedy; officer fear and anger; historical, political, and economic divides; implicit biases and stereotype threat; and the importance of building coalitions across boundaries.  
Tracie Keesee & Jay Farr | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6050: Stewardship of Public Assets and Managing Human Capital  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 15 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Students will develop a detailed understanding of the legal aspects of public employment law, and the short and long-term impact of recruiting and retaining talented employees. Emphasis will be placed on the means by which evidence-based strategies may be applied to determine the appropriate number of resources to deploy to normal and complex operations. Prereq: Admission to MPS Degree Program  
Oscar Odom & Greg Murphy | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6050: Stewardship of Public Assets and Managing Human Capital  
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 16-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 7pm, EST; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Students will develop a detailed understanding of the legal aspects of public employment law, and the short and long-term impact of recruiting and retaining talented employees. Emphasis will be placed on the means by which evidence-based strategies may be applied to determine the appropriate number of resources to deploy to normal and complex operations. Prereq: Admission to MPS Degree Program  
Oscar Odom & Patrice Kerner | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPS 6991: Capstone Project  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Thursdays, (8/29, 9/26, 10/24, 11/21), 7pm, EST.; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Guiding students in a 2-credit undertaking that culminates in a Public Safety Capstone project. MPS faculty support topic identification, literature review and research, and analysis/synthesis of data to demonstrate achievement of project objectives. Interactive sessions involve Q&A, progress presentations, and peer feedback. Course completes with an article-length paper and video presentation.  
James McElvain & Bryon Gustafson | 2 GR Credits 

Certificate Programs


ACCT 3010: Introductory Accounting I  
Online Synchronous | Mondays 6:30-9:30pm | Sep 2-Dec 2  
Designed to introduce students to the language of business, the course begins with the role of financial data in contemporary society, proceeds to develop the accounting model for capturing financial data, and finishes with the problems of measuring and reporting income, assets, liabilities, and equities. 
Rita Fox | 3 UG Credits | Required 

ACCT 3020: Introductory Accounting II  
Online Synchronous | Mondays 6:30-9:30pm | Sep 2-Dec 2  
Continuation of ACCT 3010. Explores additional financial accounting topics with focus on managerial considerations and financial analysis. Cost accumulation, allocation, and product cost methods are studied in a manufacturing setting. Matters such as evaluation of performance planning, cost behavior, and special decisions are emphasized. Prerequisite: ACCT 3010  
Richard Lahijani | 3 UG Credits | Required 

ACCT 5110: Intermediate Accounting I  
Online Synchronous | Thursdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 29-Dec 5 | No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Provides an intensive study of the generally accepted accounting principles for asset valuation, income measurement, and financial statement presentation for business organizations, and underlying processes behind principles.  Prerequisite: ACCT 3020 
Leon Hutton | 3 GR Credits | Required 

ACCT 5120: Intermediate Accounting II  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Nov 5 (Election Day) 
Continuation of ACCT 5110. Provides an in-depth study of accounting for the equities of a firm's investors and creditors. Covers special problem areas in financial accounting including accounting for leases, pensions, and income taxes. Prerequisite: ACCT 5110 
Ambrose Jones | 3 GR Credits | Required 

ACCT 5140: Cost Accounting  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Addresses analysis of cost behavior and volume profit relationships, responsibility accounting and reporting flexible budgets, and the use of standard costs to guide and control performance. Prerequisite: ACCT 3020  
Derek Henrichs | 3 GR Credits | Required 

ACCT 5200: Introduction to Accounting Information Systems  
Online Synchronous | Thursdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 29-Dec 5 | No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Explores how accounting information systems are designed and implemented to meet organizational accounting and decision-making needs. Analyze how capabilities and limitations inherent to current technology may shape organizational operations and strategy. Topics include firm value of AIS, block chain, artificial intelligence, mapping business processes, database design and queries, internal controls, mitigating information risks, and more.  
Richard Evans | 3 GR Credits | Required 

ACCT 5210: Introductory Auditing  
Online Synchronous | Mondays 6:30-9:30pm | Sep 2-Dec 2  
Examines auditing methodology through a study of auditing standards. Includes the nature of evidence, program planning, work papers, internal control evaluation, types of audit tests, and audit reports. Prerequisite: ACCT 5120  
Erica Thompson | 3 GR Credits | Required 

ACCT 5330: Accounting for Non-Business Organizations  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Financial accounting for governmental and non-profit organizations. Studies the theory and techniques of accounting and reporting for various funds and groups of accounts. Prerequisite: ACCT 5120  
Richard Evans | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

ACCT 5450: Federal Taxation I  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Analyzes the federal income tax law and its application to individuals. Creates a study of problems covering personal and business tax situations. Assigns several cases for which the student prepares illustrative tax returns.  Prerequisite: ACCT 3020 or Instructor Permission  
Harvey Hutchinson | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

ACCT 5470: Forensic Accounting  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Nov 5 (Election Day) 
Analyzes the various forensic accounting techniques and investigative strategies used in forensic examinations; covers uses of accounting information systems in fraud detection, the nature of financial statement fraud as well as the framework for detecting fraudulent financial reporting, and the importance of internal controls in fraud prevention. Prerequisite: ACCT 5120  
Michael Hood | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

ACCT 5700: Federal Accounting  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Nov 5 (Election Day) 
Provides a comprehensive overview of accounting principles, terminology, concepts, and standards unique to federal accounting to include an analysis and discussion of the laws, regulations, rule-setting organizations, and policies leading to current day federal accounting and reporting practices. Prerequisite: ACCT 3020  
Leon Hutton | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

Accounting (Undergraduate - Teach Out)

No classes scheduled for Fall 2024. 

Certified Financial Planner

NCPR 500: Personal Financial Planning  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Introduces the concepts of the financial planning process, client/planner interactions, time value of money applications, personal financial statements development and assessment, cash flow and debt management, and asset acquisition. Other topics and an overview of practice management concepts will be discussed. Recommended but not required: Financial Accounting, Macroeconomics, Statistics.  
Salman Sadiq | Noncredit | Required 

NCPR 504: Retirement Planning  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Nov 5 (Election Day) 
Focuses on retirement preparation. Includes topics such as the importance of retirement planning, an evaluation of the clients needs, an understanding of Social Security and Medicare, and qualified and non-qualified retirement plans. Recommended but not required: Financial Accounting, Macroeconomics, Statistics.  
Trent Colledge | Noncredit | Required 

NCPR 505: Estate Planning  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break) 
Focuses on the efficient conservation and transfer of wealth consistent with the clients goals. Studies the legal, tax, financial, and non-financial aspects of this process, and covers topics such as trusts, wills, probate, advanced directives, charitable giving, wealth transfers, and related taxes. Prerequisite: Recommended but not required: Financial Accounting, Macroeconomics, and Statistics.  
Eric Wiegand | Noncredit | Required 

NCPR 506 Capstone: Financial Planning  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Nov 5 (Election Day) | Contact Program Administrator to register for this restricted class.  
Engages students in critical thinking and decision-making about personal financial management topics in the context of the financial planning process. Focuses on refining and developing skills for personal financial planners when working with individuals, families, and business owners in meeting financial needs and objectives. Prerequisites: Completion of all other required courses.  
Gary Roseman | Noncredit | Required 

Cloud Computing

IT 3000: Cloud Computing Foundations  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Provides an overall understanding of cloud computing concepts, independent of specific technical roles. Covers cloud concepts, Amazon Web Services (AWS) core services, security, architecture, pricing, and support. Helps students prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.  
Rogelio O'Farril | 3 UG Credits | Required 

IT 3100: Architecture and Design  
Online Synchronous | Thursdays 7-10pm | Aug 29-Dec 5 | No class Nov 28 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Covers the fundamentals of building IT infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Teaches solutions architects how to optimize the use of the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how they fit into cloud-based solutions. Emphasizes best practices and recommends design patterns to help with the process of architecting optimal IT solutions on AWS. Helps students prepare for the AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate exam. 
TBD | 3 UG Credits | Required 

IT 3140: Cloud DevSecOps  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-10pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Nov 5 (Election Day) 
Combines aspects of development, security, and operations and teaches cloud engineers to perform a DevSecOps role. DevSecOps removes silos between teams, and with the addition of automation, it improves the time it takes to deliver reliable software to the market. Students learn to streamline processes and Software Development Life Cycles (SDLCS) through DevSecOps techniques, including automated build and release processes.  
Jimmy Ardiansyah | 3 UG Credits | Elective 

IT 3410: Introduction to Python and Software Development  
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 5-8pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Provides an introduction to object-oriented programming and the core principles of Python. Covers fundamental coding concepts like variables, algorithms, and data structures and allows for the practice of creating Python functions and applications in the cloud. Introduces agile software development and other processes that are widely used to develop applications in the technology sector.
Douglas Mujeye | 3 UG Credits | Required 

Cybersecurity Analysis

SEC 3010: Securing the Cyber World  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Provides a global perspective on cyber security and the impact of cyber threats. Addresses a variety of topics that are all part of the cyber ecosystem, to include current threat trends, defense in-depth techniques, attack case studies, risk management, disaster recovery, security policy, and awareness training. Examines current best practices, compliance requirements, and evolving security architectures.  
Jennie Spencer | 3 UG Credits | Required 

SEC 3040: Writing and Communication in a Technical Field  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Develops strong writing competencies for technical fields, including communication of complex information to a variety of audiences through various print and online media. Teaches students to write, organize, edit, and design information with clarity and accuracy. Covers organizing, managing, communicating, and facilitating technical information. Topics include conciseness, simplicity, information arrangement, presentation, and readability.  
Jill Martiniuk | 3 UG Credits | Required 

SEC 4010: Digital Forensics and Cybercrime  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Examines cybercrimes and the digital forensics processes and techniques needed to discover, prosecute, and mitigate cybercrime. Explores the threats of cybercrime and mitigating countermeasures. Topics include discovering, preserving, and presenting digital evidence for legal prosecution; digital forensics tools and techniques; and anti-forensics techniques.  
Angel Jones | 3 UG Credits | Elective     

Cybersecurity Management

BUS 5010: Cybersecurity Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 22 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Provides managers with the essential framework needed to design and develop an effective cybersecurity program.  Explores methods used to raise general security awareness, review current industry practices, and develop expertise needed to adapt policies to achieve confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organizational assets and data.  
Angel Jones | 3 GR Credits | Required 

BUS 5020: Security Policy Development and Assessment  
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 14-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Examines the steps required in policy development including password protection, acceptable use of organization information technology assets, risk acceptance, identification of threats, countermeasures, intellectual property, proprietary info and privacy issues, compliance reporting, and escalation procedures.  Discusses access controls, security standards, and policy implementation. 
Michael Wojcik | 3 GR Credits | Required 

BUS 5060: Understanding Technology Used in an Open Access Environment  
Online Asynchronous | Available Oct 14-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Covers the technologies enabling the migration of computing applications, communications, and information to the cloud environment.  Explores the technologies that facilitated back-end integration and front-end deployment.  Reviews the information assurance challenges and popular solutions of cloud computing.  Discusses communications concepts such as TCP/IP, ISP delivery channels, and wireless technology. 
Kristen Broz | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

BUS 5100: Cyber Law, Regulation, and Ethics  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 22 | Synchronous sessions Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
An overview of the ethical challenges in the information age - introduces the complex and dynamic state of the law as it applies to behavior in cyberspace. Topics include the legal pitfalls of doing business in an interconnected world and an intro to the various organizations and materials that can be turned to for assistance in understanding how to ethically and legally provide services and operate modern computer-based systems and networks.  
Kristen Broz | 3 GR Credits | Required 

Health Sciences Management

PSHM 5020: Management of Healthcare Organizations  
Online Synchronous | Tuesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 27-Dec 3 | No class Oct 15 (Reading Day), Nov 5 (Election Day)  
Focuses on the management concepts, theories, responsibilities, functions, and leadership skills for managers in healthcare organizations (HCOs). Students will evaluate and analyze healthcare operations, the healthcare environment, and issues in management and leadership. Students will apply managerial skills and strategies to improve performance, quality and decision-making in HCOs. 
Herron Mitchell | 3 GR Credits | Required  

PSHM 5650: American Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities 
Online Synchronous | Wednesdays 7-9:45pm | Aug 28-Dec 4 | No class Nov 27 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Provides foundational overview of the structure/function of US healthcare system including challenges and opportunities to develop competence in healthcare management, promotes critical discussion of history and current status of healthcare delivery systems. Examines challenges facing providers, patients and policy makers, and uses current events to explore healthcare controversies. Prerequisite: Bachelor's Degree. 
Mark Hutchinson | 3 GR Credits | Elective   

Human Resources Management

HR 5030: Strategic Compensation  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Explores strategic choices in managing compensation through a pay model that is based upon the foundational policy decisions of the compensation system, the means of compensation, and the objectives of the compensation. Includes strategic perspectives, internal consistency, external competitiveness, employee contributions, and administration of the pay system efficiently, equitably, and in compliance with the law. 
Nicole Runyon | 3 GR Credits | Required 

HR 5050: Organizational Change and Development  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Enables the student to understand the behavioral concepts and theories that form the foundation of organizational development, the process of change management, and the organizational development techniques and interventions designed to improve organization effectiveness. Explores such concepts and processes as power and influence, conflict, inter-group behavior, decision-making, and communication.  
Nicole Runyon | 3 GR Credits | Required  

HR 5112: SHRM Learning System and Exam Preparation  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 6-9pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded. 
Prepares students for Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) industry certification exams (Certified Professional or Senior Certified Professional). Uses SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (BASK), which defines standards for HR professionals globally. Enables students to better comprehend and apply HR topics. See SHRM for full certification requirements. Enrolled students receive partner price for SHRM Learning System and textbooks.  
G. Faye Giles | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

HR 5115: Workforce Inclusion, Equity and Belonging  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Thursdays, 6pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Focuses on issues, challenges, and subtle dynamics that operate in cross-cultural organizations for which students learn to build functional and effective workplace relationships. Participants will learn to manage diversity as an asset to sustainable competitive advantage to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. A framework for the strategic management of diversity, equity, and inclusion will also be developed and discussed.  
Stephen Oliver | 3 GR Credits | Elective  

Information Technology

IT 3220: Strategic Business Value of Information Technology  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Thursdays, 7-8:30pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Focuses on how to assess the value of IT investments and align technical strategies with business strategies. Introduces Porter's Five Forces Model, the value chain, technology payoff metrics, and risk analysis. Explores ways to leverage disruptive technologies for competitive advantage.  
Lisa Wentzel | 3 UG Credits | Required  

IT 3240: Enterprise Systems Architecture and Design  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Applies common frameworks and methodologies to the examination of enterprise system architecture needs.  Includes coverage of the systems development life cycle and the methodologies in use characterized by their varying degrees of iteration, structure, and user involvement. Emphasizes analytical and design concepts and related tools such as use cases and Unified Modeling Language. 
Donald Chisholm | 3 UG Credits | Required 

IT 3350: Agile Project Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduces the principles of Agile Project Management and covers the frameworks and practices used by agile teams. Explores innovative ways of gathering requirements, estimation, release planning, performance metrics, and scaling with the Agile Manifesto in mind. Emphasizes software development while applying the principles to any type of project.  
Michael Vito | 3 UG Credits | Elective 

IT 3400: Database Management and Business Intelligence/Analytics  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Mondays, 7-8:30pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Learn and apply the fundamentals of relational database modeling and database management systems technology in the development of business information systems.  Encompasses entity/relationship diagrams, relational theory, normalization, integrity constraints, the Structured Query Language (SQL), and physical and logical design.  Students will also be exposed to core concepts and tools associated with data warehousing.  
Majed Al-Ghandour | 3 UG Credits | Required  

IT 4400: Web Application Development - Building Dynamic Websites  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course. 
This course serves as a capstone course to be taken after all other required courses in the program. Using a project-based approach, students will develop Web applications using the PHP scripting language and MySQL databases. Topics include PHP scripting, data-driven interactivity, writing secure PHP programs, and code frameworks. 
Michael Vito | 3 UG Credits | Required   


PSLP 5300: Foundations of Leadership  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Introduces students to various styles and theories of leadership.  Through self-assessment and guided inquiry, students examine and create their own unique style of leadership. Students will develop approaches to adapt and modify leadership styles to various situations and individual personalities to influence organizational outcomes. 
Kai Degner | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSLP 5300: Foundations of Leadership  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | No class Nov 27-Dec 1; Optional live sessions scheduled: 12-1pm, Oct 9, Nov 6, Dec 4
Introduces students to various styles and theories of leadership.  Through self-assessment and guided inquiry, students examine and create their own unique style of leadership. Students will develop approaches to adapt and modify leadership styles to various situations and individual personalities to influence organizational outcomes. 
Santarvis Brown | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSLP 5320: Organizational Leadership  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | No class Nov 27-Dec 1 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Focuses on the challenging role of leaders in today's complex organizations.  Identifies ways to adapt the organizational structures, policies, and management workforce to enhance competitive advantage.  Topics include change management, organizational dynamics, and crisis management.  Upon completion of the course students will be able to assess risk, perform root cause analysis, and employ effective decision-making processes. 
Michael Powers | 3 GR Credits | Required 

BUS 5010: Cybersecurity Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 22 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Provides managers with the essential framework needed to design and develop an effective cybersecurity program.  Explores methods used to raise general security awareness, review current industry practices, and develop expertise needed to adapt policies to achieve confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organizational assets and data.  
Angel Jones | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

HR 5050: Organizational Change and Development  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Enables the student to understand the behavioral concepts and theories that form the foundation of organizational development, the process of change management, and the organizational development techniques and interventions designed to improve organization effectiveness. Explores such concepts and processes as power and influence, conflict, inter-group behavior, decision-making, and communication.  
Nicole Runyon | 3 GR Credits | Elective  

HR 5112: SHRM Learning System and Exam Preparation  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 6-9pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded. 
Prepares students for Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) industry certification exams (Certified Professional or Senior Certified Professional). Uses SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (BASK), which defines standards for HR professionals globally. Enables students to better comprehend and apply HR topics. See SHRM for full certification requirements. Enrolled students receive partner price for SHRM Learning System and textbooks.  
G. Faye Giles | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PC 5010: Procurement Policy & Practices  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Covers all subchapters of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), providing an intensive review of practical technical, business and contractual issues that the government deals with in establishing and managing a federal contract. Topics include acquisition process, governmental acquisition plans, inspection and termination as well as some of the basics necessary for contracts and acquisition personnel.  
Michael Fischetti | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSPA 5020: Public Organization Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Explores theories of organizational behavior applied to public sector agencies and cross-sector initiatives focused on delivering public value. Introduces theories, skills, and tools to analyze organizational dilemmas and identify promising practices to help individuals and teams achieve collective goals. Covers organizational planning and decision-making, process improvement, evaluation, accountability, leadership, and stakeholder communication.  
Sara McClellan | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSPM 5030: Introduction to Project Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduces students to the various aspects of the project life cycle and project management. Explores best practices and the application of these best practices for project success.  
Edward Kropp | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSPM 5290: Principles and Practices of Agile Project Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 17 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduce Agile Project Management as an iterative and incremental method of managing the project design and build activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner. Provides thorough exposure to agile and lean methods, and explores differences between these methods and traditional techniques.  
TBD | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

Procurement and Contracts Management

PC 5010: Procurement Policy & Practices  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Covers all subchapters of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), providing an intensive review of practical technical, business and contractual issues that the government deals with in establishing and managing a federal contract. Topics include acquisition process, governmental acquisition plans, inspection and termination as well as some of the basics necessary for contracts and acquisition personnel.  
Michael Fischetti | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PC 5020: Advanced Cost and Price Analysis  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Covers basic contract types and how to determine the costs for each. Analyzes how businesses function financially and how pricing decisions are made for a specific commodity; market versus cost-based pricing decisions; methodologies used in the development of cost analysis studies; and life cycle costing.  
Thomas Eller | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PC 5060: Federal Acquisition Case Studies  
Online Asynchronous | Aug 27-Dec 6 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor. 
Provides a basic understanding of the laws and regulations that apply to federal government contracting. Analyzes case studies dealing with federal contracting. Emphasizes ethical considerations, as well as the current and anticipated regulations and policies affecting federal procurement.  
Justin D. Ruth | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSLP 5300: Foundations of Leadership  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Introduces students to various styles and theories of leadership.  Through self-assessment and guided inquiry, students examine and create their own unique style of leadership.   Students will develop approaches to adapt and modify leadership styles to various situations and individual personalities to influence organizational outcomes. 
Santarvis Brown | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSLP 5320: Organizational Leadership  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | No class Nov 27-Dec 1 (Thanksgiving Break)  
Focuses on the challenging role of leaders in today's complex organizations.  Identifies ways to adapt the organizational structures, policies, and management workforce to enhance competitive advantage.  Topics include change management, organizational dynamics, and crisis management.  Upon completion of the course students will be able to assess risk, perform root cause analysis, and employ effective decision-making processes. 
Michael Powers | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSPM 5030: Introduction to Project Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduces students to the various aspects of the project life cycle and project management. Explores best practices and the application of these best practices for project success.  
Edward Kropp | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

Project Management

PSPM 5005: Quality Management: Ensuring Client Satisfaction  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Tuesdays, 6:30pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Aims to provide project managers with the tools and processes they need to meet the quality standards imposed by their projects and customers. Student will be able to identify and address quality concerns throughout all phases of a project's life cycle after finishing this course. Training will be delivered through lectures, case analyses, and team projects. 
Douglass Smith | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSPM 5030: Introduction to Project Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduces students to the various aspects of the project life cycle and project management. Explores best practices and the application of these best practices for project success.  
Edward Kropp | 3 GR Credits | Required  

PSPM  5030: Introduction to Project Management         
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.          
Introduces students to the various aspects of the project life cycle and project management. Explores best practices and the application of these best practices for project success.           
Susan Parente | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPM 5200: Project Schedule, Cost, and Budget Control  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduces students to a variety of project scheduling and cost control techniques that are vital for a project to meet its schedule and cost goals and objectives. Concentrates on the variety of scheduling techniques (Gantt Chart, Critical Path Method, and Program Evaluation Review Technique) that can be used to guide and monitor project performance. Activities that are critical in preparing a realistic schedule are explored, discussed, and practiced. Students are then introduced to a variety of budgeting, cost estimating, and cost control techniques.  
William Yates | 3 GR Credits | Required  

PSPM 5210: Project Risk Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Wednesdays, 6pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Introduces students to various concepts and techniques that can be used to effectively manage project risks including cost, schedule, technical, quality, managerial and organizational.  
Michael Powers | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPM 5290: Principles and Practices of Agile Project Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduce Agile Project Management as an iterative and incremental method of managing the project design and build activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner. Provides thorough exposure to agile and lean methods, and explores differences between these methods and traditional techniques. 
Stephen Onu | 3 GR Credits | Required  

Public Administration

PSPA 5000: Intro to Public Administration  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Explores theories and practices of public administration. Examines U.S. administrative systems, government processes, and intergovernmental and cross-sector relationships designed to deliver public value. Topics include history of public administration, roles and responsibilities, social equity, accountability, and organizational capacity. Offers students a chance to apply practical knowledge via cases and explore ways to advance public service.  
Sara McClellan | 3 GR Credits | Required 

PSPA 5020: Public Organization Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Explores theories of organizational behavior applied to public sector agencies and cross-sector initiatives focused on delivering public value. Introduces theories, skills, and tools to analyze organizational dilemmas and identify promising practices to help individuals and teams achieve collective goals. Covers organizational planning and decision-making, process improvement, evaluation, accountability, leadership, and stakeholder communication.  
Sara McClellan | 3 GR Credits | Required 

BUS 5010: Cybersecurity Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Oct 22 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Provides managers with the essential framework needed to design and develop an effective cybersecurity program.  Explores methods used to raise general security awareness, review current industry practices, and develop expertise needed to adapt policies to achieve confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organizational assets and data.  
Angel Jones | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

HR 5115: Workforce Inclusion, Equity and Belonging  
Online Asynchronous | Available Sep 30-Dec 6 | Synchronous sessions Thursdays, 6pm; Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.  
Focuses on issues, challenges, and subtle dynamics that operate in cross-cultural organizations for which students learn to build functional and effective workplace relationships. Participants will learn to manage diversity as an asset to sustainable competitive advantage to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. A framework for the strategic management of diversity, equity, and inclusion will also be developed and discussed.  
Stephen Oliver | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PC 5010: Procurement Policy & Practices  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Dec 6 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Covers all subchapters of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), providing an intensive review of practical technical, business and contractual issues that the government deals with in establishing and managing a federal contract. Topics include acquisition process, governmental acquisition plans, inspection and termination as well as some of the basics necessary for contracts and acquisition personnel.  
Michael Fischetti | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSLP 5300: Foundations of Leadership  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Optional synchronous sessions TBD by instructor.  
Introduces students to various styles and theories of leadership.  Through self-assessment and guided inquiry, students examine and create their own unique style of leadership.   Students will develop approaches to adapt and modify leadership styles to various situations and individual personalities to influence organizational outcomes. 
Santarvis Brown | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

PSPM 5030: Introduction to Project Management  
Online Asynchronous | Available Aug 27-Nov 1 | Instructor will host optional synchronous sessions throughout the course.  
Introduces students to the various aspects of the project life cycle and project management. Explores best practices and the application of these best practices for project success.  
Edward Kropp | 3 GR Credits | Elective 

* Asynchronous online courses at SCPS can sometimes include synchronous sessions. Attendance is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Synchronous sessions will be recorded.

* The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements.