Student Resources

Welcome to the SCPS community of nontraditional learners who are UVA proud.

Two BIS students stand with Dean Lubin at a school community event

Here you'll find many resources for current students. 

Our students have access to numerous resources at UVA, from student clubs and organizations to library services, career advising and technical support.

The directory below can help you find everything you need to get started at UVA, find support within and outside of your courses, and explore all of the opportunities open to you as a UVA student. 

Academic Resources & Policies

Academic & Disabilities Services

It is the policy of the University of Virginia to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with federal and state laws. Any student with a disability enrolled through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies who needs accommodation (e.g., in arrangements for seating, extended time for examinations, or note-taking, etc.), should  contact the Student Disability Access Center and provide them with appropriate medical or psychological documentation of his/her condition. Once accommodations are provided, it is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the instructor about logistics and implementation of accommodations.

If students have difficulty accessing any part of the course materials or activities for their classes, they should contact the instructor immediately. Accommodations for test-taking should be arranged at least 14 business days in advance of the date of the test(s). A student’s academic dean is also available to assist with accommodations, particularly for temporary or emergency situations. Please email

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Access Center.

Academic Grievance

Students who have a grievance related to a course, with a faculty member, or related to the services provided by School of Continuing and Professional Studies faculty or staff should pursue the grievance as follows:

  • Concerns related to an SCPS course or faculty member not resolvable between the student and faculty member should be discussed with the appropriate School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ academic program director.
  • If the concern is not resolvable at this level, the grievance should be filed with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. The Associate Dean’s decision may be appealed by the student to the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
  • If the grievance is related to the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the student may contact the Vice President and Provost of the University.
  • If the concern is related to the Vice President and Provost, appropriate documentation should be presented in writing to the President of the University.

Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Instructors establish attendance and participation requirements for each of their classes. Course requirements, regardless of delivery mode, are not waived due to a student’s absence from class. Instructors will require students to make up any missed coursework and may deny credit to any student whose absences are excessive. Poor attendance may result in the student receiving a failing grade. Instructors must keep an attendance record for each student enrolled in the class to document attendance and participation in the class. 

Auditing a Class

Students who wish to audit a course (enroll in credit courses without earning academic credit) may do so on a space available basis, with the permission of the instructor and program director. Credit or audit status must be indicated at the time of registration. Admission requirements are the same for auditing students as for students enrolled for credit.

An AU (audit) cannot be changed to a letter grade. Auditing a class does not relieve the student of the responsibility for meeting the standards established for the course. A grade of W is recorded for any student who discontinues the audit after the drop deadline or who fails to meet the instructor’s standards. Students who audit courses are responsible for full payment of tuition and fees.

Commitment to Diversity

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies endeavors to make access to degrees, credentials, workplace-relevant skills, and academic excellence inclusively available to all, by building, resourcing, and sustaining a community of continuing education instructors and learners. This is a community, and a school, in which students and instructors of diverse race, ethnicity, veteran status, socio-economic level, national origin, religious belief, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and political ideology, participate in, contribute to, and benefit equally from the academic exchange. We strive for a diverse learning environment where differences are respected and appreciated, effective teaching is promoted, greater learning outcomes are produced, and students are better prepared for an increasingly diverse and rapidly changing workplace.


The quickest and easiest way to obtain grades at the University of Virginia is for the student to do so by accessing SIS (the Student Information System). Students have 24-hour access to their academic information through SIS. The student may also order an official transcript through the Office of the University Registrar (UREG).

Courses carrying a School of Continuing and Professional Studies subject area (mnemonic) use the following grading system:  A+, A, A-; B+, B, B-; C+, C, C-; D+, D, D-; F.  S (satisfactory) and U (unsatisfactory) are used for some course offerings. For noncredit courses, the grade notation is N (no credit). Students who audit courses receive the designation AU (audit). The symbol W is used when a student officially drops a course before its completion or if the student withdraws from an academic program of the University.

When the School of Continuing and Professional Studies offers courses in collaboration with other schools of the University, these courses follow the grading system of their associated schools, as outlined in each school’s section of the Record.

Credit/No Credit Students enrolled in degree programs in other schools of the University of Virginia should consult with the appropriate school before selecting the credit/no credit (CR/NC) grading option. Students enrolled in certain courses for professional development may select the CR/NC option. Courses taken with this grading option may not be transferred into a degree program.

Grade Changes  No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to UREG (Office of the University Registrar) without the approval of the school’s dean or dean’s designee. The dean or designee may authorize a grade change only in accordance with the school’s grade appeal policy or when an instructor certifies that, because of an error in calculation or transcription, an incorrect grade has been submitted. Grades cannot be changed after a degree is conferred, or more than one semester following the end of the course, whichever comes first. The dean or his/her designee is also authorized to change incomplete or missing grades to an F or Withdrawal. Instructors must submit grade changes via the Student Information System (SIS). Please also see Incomplete Grades section.

Incompletes A grade of incomplete (IN) should be a rare occurrence. If late in the term, circumstances arise beyond a student’s control and all other coursework is complete, the student and instructional faculty may negotiate an extension for submission of final coursework. Prior to the final class, the student must request an IN from the instructional faculty in writing; the instructional faculty must initiate the SCPS Request for a Grade of Incomplete Form and submit the signed form to the SCPS Registrar. The student must complete all course requirements and submit the completed work to the instructional faculty by the faculty’s imposed deadline, at which time the faculty replaces the IN with a letter grade. Typical extensions are for no more than 30 to 60 days beyond the final class meeting. If the work is not completed by the designated agreed upon deadline and a letter grade is not entered, the IN automatically defaults to an ‘F’. Only in extreme cases will this deadline be extended; extensions require approval of the SCPS Registrar or the Associate Dean for Student Services & Enrollment Management.  A degree or certificate will not be awarded while an Incomplete grade remains on the transcript. A student may not request an Incomplete in an attempt to raise his or her grade. An incomplete that is not removed by the assigned date will be converted to a grade of F (failure). Only the appropriate instructor may authorize removal of an Incomplete designation. Degree-seeking students who receive an IN (incomplete) or an F (failure) in any course cannot enroll in another course unless the Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies grants permission.

Download the Request for a Grade of Incomplete

Leave of Absence

Degree-seeking students who wish to take a one-semester leave of absence must apply for such leave by completing the "Leaving the University" form in the SIS Student Center and seeking approval from their academic advisor and the program director. Degree-seeking students who wish to take a leave of absence for a second consecutive semester should follow the same process and the request must be approved by the academic advisor and program director. Students on approved leaves of absence are not required to apply for readmission prior to their return, but they should notify their academic advisor and program director of their intended return at least 30 days before the open registration date for that semester. 

Students enrolled in professional certificate programs should notify their program director or administrator should they wish to take a one-semester leave of absence. No official forms are required to be filed.  

Student Information System

SIS is the University of Virginia’s centrally-supported Student Information System. Visit the SIS Help Center to familiarize yourself with the vast array of resources for students, including information on getting started, searching for classes, student finances, and more.   

Students in Distress

Recognizing & Assisting Students in Distress: A Guide for Faculty & Teaching Assistants

For many students at the University, personal and academic pursuits provide healthy experiences with positive results. However, for some, high levels of psychological distress and/or risky behaviors, such as alcohol or other drug abuse, occur during the academic year. As a faculty member or teaching assistant (TA), your on-going relationship with students allows you to detect changes in an individual’s behavior that may signal a more serious problem.

You can play a unique role in assisting students through a difficult situation or experience. Students appreciate faculty and TA opinions and you can serve as a reliable source of information about the resources already in place to help them. Faculty and TAs are not expected to diagnose the source of distress or take on the role of counselor. The steps below can help you identify students in need of assistance and provide appropriate referral.

As of July 1, 2015, Virginia state law requires faculty and staff to notify Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) when a student exhibits suicidal tendencies or behavior. If you have any concerns that a student may be suicidal, notify CAPS immediately.

1. Be alert to signs of difficulty.
Academic indicators may include:

  • Deterioration in quality of work
  • A drop in grades
  • A negative change in performance
  • Repeated requests for extensions
  • Missed assignments
  • Repeated absences
  • Disorganized or erratic performance
  • Essays or creative work that indicate extremes of hopelessness, social isolation, rage, fear or despair

Communication indicators may include:

  • Direct statements indicating distress, abuse, personal problems or other difficulties
  • Disproportionate anger or hostility
  • Becoming more withdrawn or more animated than usual
  • Tearfulness
  • Expressions of hopelessness, helplessness, fear or worthlessness
  • Expressions of concern about a student in the class by peers
  • Marked changes in eye contact
  • Substantial withdrawal from others

Physical indicators may include:

  • Deterioration in physical appearance or worsening personal hygiene
  • Visible marks on the body
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Visible changes in weight
  • Coming to class bleary-eyed, hung over or smelling of alcohol

Safety risk indicators may include:

  • Written or verbal statements showing a sense of finality or a suicidal tone*
  • Written or verbal communications that indicate fear or abuse by another
  • Previous suicide attempts, violent behaviors (directed at others or objects) or preoccupation with death*
  • Statements to the effect that the student is "going away for a long time" or giving away possessions*
  • Self-injurious or self-destructive behaviors

* Under state law, any of these indicators require CAPS notification.

2. Trust your instincts and take these signs seriously. If you are concerned about a student, it is important to voice your concerns. Do not question or second-guess your instincts. Contact the Office of the Dean of Students or CAPS immediately to discuss possible courses of action or intervention.

3. In talking with the student, share your concerns. Remember that talking about a problem does not make it worse. This is the first step toward resolution. Specifically point out signs you’ve observed and ask what is wrong.

 "I wanted to talk to you because I notice you've been late recently, you no longer participate in class, and you seem distressed. I'm concerned about you. Would you like to know about some of the confidential resources on Grounds?”

4. Listen carefully. Many students will have trouble articulating their difficulties. Be available. Try not to get upset or communicate your own personal judgments. It is not always about having the “right” thing to say, but rather to show care, compassion, and empathy. Sometimes what is not said is as important as what is said.

5. Assist the student in getting help. Encourage the student to seek professional assistance. You may need to address the student's concerns about counseling:

  • "Most mental health services are covered to different degrees by health insurance."
  • "If you like, we can call to find options for you now.”
  • "Recognizing and being willing to get help for a difficult situation is a sign of strength.”

6. Recognize an emergency situation. An emergency means that the student's basic safety is jeopardized. This may include severe eating disorders, severe substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, or a serious threat from another person. Remember that you are required by state law to notify CAPS of any student exhibiting suicidal tendencies or behavior. Obvious examples that require such notification are marked (*) in section 1. If you are worried about imminent harm, stay with the student and call 911 immediately and then follow up with CAPS. Police are well-trained in psychiatric emergencies and can take students to the Emergency Room for a full psychiatric consultation immediately.

7. Respect confidentiality. Do not discuss the student's name or problem in public areas or with anyone who does not have a direct need to know this information. When talking with the student, avoid making sweeping promises of confidentiality. Students who are suicidal need swift professional intervention. Pledges of absolute confidentiality are not consistent with state law reporting requirements and may make a serious situation more difficult.

8. Follow up. Check in with the student to see if the student is receiving adequate help. Often, students feel even more supported by the follow-up expression of concern than the initial contact.

Developed by the University Advisory Committee on Alcohol and Substance Abuse (2000). Based on materials from the College of William and Mary and SUNY at Cortland. Revised August, 2015.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
M-F daytime on-call clinician 434.243.5150
After hours & weekend emergency 434.972.7004


Textbook information: Title, Author, ISBN, Edition, Date of Publication, etc., will be available in the class overview found in UVACollab, two weeks prior to the start of the class. Students can view their required and recommended textbooks, and purchase them from any online or local vendor. 

Students in Charlottesville may purchase required and recommended textbooks from the UVA Bookstore or any online or local vendor.  


The Office of the University Registrar (UREG) records credits, grades, and CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for University courses taught in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Official transcripts are available from the office of the University Registrar.

Current students may view their unofficial transcripts by logging into their student center in the Student Information System.

Former students (enrolled in a class since 1985) may access their unofficial transcripts by following the appropriate steps.  

SCPS Program Contacts

We are here to help you along the way and provide support when you need it. From time to time, you may have questions about your program, courses or scheduling. Here’s a guide with our contact information to make it easy for you to reach out to us with your questions or concerns.

Programs Contact
Cindy Lu, 703.702.6763,
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Susan Chisholm, 434.982.5244,
Bachelor of Professional Studies in Health Sciences Management
Susan Chisholm, 434.982.5244,
Certified Financial Planning
Cindy Lu, 703.702.6763,
Cloud Computing
Thea Litchfield Campbell, 434.996.7276, 
Cybersecurity Analysis (undergraduate)
Thea Litchfield Campbell, 434.996.7276,
Cybersecurity Management (graduate)
Thea Litchfield Campbell, 434.996.7276,
Healthcare Management
Susan Chisholm, 434.982.5244,
Information Technology
Thea Litchfield Campbell, 434.996.7276,
Cindy Lu, 703.702.6763,
Leadership in Human Resources Management
Thea Litchfield Campbell, 434.996.7276,
Master of Public Safety
Bryon Gustafson,
National Criminal Justice Command College
Mark Hoover, 434.443.0600,
Procurement & Contracts Management
Cindy Lu, 703.702.6763,
Project Management
Thea Litchfield Campbell, 434.996.7276, 
Public Administration
Cindy Lu, 703.702.6763,
UVA Edge
Alexa Jeffress,
UVA Canvas

UVA Canvas is the centrally-supported Learning Management System (LMS) at the University of Virginia. All courses at SCPS, whether in-person or online, will have a course site in Canvas. 

Other Academic Resources and Policies
UVA Scott Stadium and surrounding area

Getting Settled & Activities

Student ID Card

UVA Student ID Cards are issued ONLY to students in the School's degree programs (BIS, BPHM, and MPS) and the Post Bacc Pre-Medical Program. Students in these programs can use their Student ID cards to access privileges associated with their programs and/or comprehensive fees. These privileges and services may vary by program. 

Students who are University of Virginia employees do not need to have a UVA Student ID.  
All ID cards are the property of the University of Virginia and are provided for appropriate use for identification and access to services. The card is not transferable and is valid as long as the holder continues his/her specific affiliation with the University of Virginia. Any misuse, alteration, or fabrication of the card will subject the holder to disciplinary action by the University.


SCPS offers orientation for new students. Your program will communicate details with you after enrollment.

UVA Arts & Recreation

UVA Student ID Cards are issued ONLY to students in the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies program (Charlottesville, on-Grounds cohort only) and the Post Bacc Pre-Medical Program. Students in these programs can use their Student ID cards to access privileges associated with the arts, and recreation and fitness facilities.

Arts: BIS Students receive $75 in ARTS$ for any UVA function accepting ARTS$ (e.g., plays, concerts, art exhibits). $15 can be applied to the fall Charlottesville Film Festival.  A valid UVA Student ID must be presented at the time of ticket purchase.

Recreation & Fitness Facilities:  All University facilities are free for use by students with a valid UVA Student ID. Visit Intramural-Recreation Sports for a complete listing of facilities, activities, and options for spouses and family members.   

Note:  Students who are enrolled in other SCPS programs and courses are not entitled to these privileges.

SCPS Student Activities

Charlottesville is a beautiful small city (population 40,000) nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in central Virginia. It is frequently at the top of popular rankings for the “best places to live.” The presence of the University of Virginia’s vibrant community of students, faculty, and staff is one of the primary reasons that this area thrives.

The safety and well-being of our students is among our highest priorities at the University of Virginia. We are committed to assisting all members of our community in providing for their own safety and security. Our safety program includes:

  • The University Police Department (UPD), a professional police department that provides the same level of service offered by a municipal police department along with other services unique to an academic institution. UPD participates in a mutual aid agreement with other local departments and a cooperative patrol agreement with the City of Charlottesville.
  • Ambassadors Program, a service that provides extra eyes and ears on the streets and assistance including walking escorts in neighborhoods frequented by students
  • University Transit Service (UTS) bus system that has an annual ridership greater than 3 million
  • SafeRide shuttle program during hours when UTS buses are not operating
  • Yellow Cab Charge-a-Ride program available with student ID
  • Educational seminars, bystander training, and self-defense classes
  • More than 500 blue light emergency phones
  • Lighted pathways and ongoing inspection of buildings and the Grounds
  • Security cameras strategically placed around the Grounds
  • Card key system for access to residence halls at all times and other buildings during designated hours
  • UVAAlerts emergency notification system, sirens and public address system
  • Fire alarm and suppression systems

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Federal law requires the University to publish an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. The report includes information on crime prevention, fire safety, University Police law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, and statistics about crimes that occurred during the previous three years on Grounds or in designated areas near Grounds as well as in other locations specified by law. The document is available on the University’s Clery Act website. You may request a hard copy of the report from the University by writing to

Duty to Report Arrests & Convictions

Since 2004, the University of Virginia has required that students disclose relevant arrests or convictions. The change that occurred in 2011 involves taking an active rather than passive approach to pointing out to students their obligation to promptly and truthfully provide this information. In an effort to facilitate this process, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies provides an email address for our students to report. All information is reviewed by the Office of the Dean of Students.

Please review the information from the Office of the Dean of Students to learn more.

If you need to report an arrest or conviction, please do so by filling out the Arrests & Convictions Reporting form.

Other Getting Settled Resources


Smiling man on computer at dining room table

Online Learning

Learn more about what your online learning experience will be like.

Personal Information

Changing Your Name or Address

UVA uses Workday for managing HR-related tasks. You can log into Workday here. All personal information that was previously entered and submitted via the Self-Service portal is now be managed in Workday.

For questions related to access and use of Workday, please contact the HR Solution Center (434.243.3344, or 

UVA Directory & Your Information

Under the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), the University is allowed to publish directory information about its students. At a minimum, this may include the student name, UVA computing ID (email address), school of enrollment, location of attendance, and level (graduate, undergraduate, noncredit).

Under FERPA a student may request that such directory information not be published. This is sometimes referred to as a privacy flag. The request that directory information not be released must go through the University's Registrar's Office. The Registrar Office's number is 434.924.4122.

Other Personal Information Resources
Image of new room in UVA Alderman Library with Large skylight

Student Services

Emergency/Inclement Weather Notification

If it becomes necessary to postpone a class meeting due to an emergency or inclement weather, notification of such closings and postponements will be made on the School’s web site and the Inclement Weather line at 434.924.4364. Faculty may also notify students via University email.

Students are responsible for checking the SCPS web site, Inclement Weather line, and University email prior to traveling to class.

Classes held at the Northern Virginia, Thomas Nelson, and Tidewater community colleges,  the Roanoke Higher Education Center, the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, and employer sites are governed by the closing policies of those institutions/organizations.  

Library Resources

SCPS students have direct access to librarians who are available to assist them with library services such as borrowing books and finding information for research projects. 

View the SCPS Resource Page from the UVA Libraries

For assistance


Email, Electronic Resources, and IT

How to Set Up Your UVA Email Account

Email is the School's official means of communication with all SCPS faculty and students. You must establish a UVA email account prior to accessing the Student Information System (SIS).

Setting up a UVA email account requires you to:

  • Obtain your UVA Computing ID
  • Obtain your System Generated UVA Password
  • Establish access to your UVA email

Note: NetBadge is a digital “badge” allowing access to protected resources for faculty and students on the UVA network, such as the Student Information System (SIS) and Canvas. 

Whenever you are presented with a NetBadge Web Login, you will use your UVA Computing ID and System Generated UVA Password to gain access to these systems.

Please follow Steps 1-3 at 

If you are a returning faculty member and need assistance with your password, please contact the UVA Help Desk at 434-924-4357.

Still Need Assistance?

If you have trouble with any of these steps, please send an email to and explain your situation. This desk is staffed Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.

Access to UVA Electronic Resources

Students enrolled through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies need a UVA Computing ID and System Generated UVA Password to:

Within 72 hours after submitting the Visiting Student form, students who have not had prior affiliation with the University will receive their UVA Computing ID and Student Information System (SIS) ID via email.  If you did not receive this email and need to obtain a UVA Computing ID and SIS ID, please go to Retrieve Your UVA Computing and SIS IDS.  Log in to your UVA email account and follow the Student IT Checklist.   

Still Need Assistance?

If you have trouble with any of these steps, please send an email to and explain your situation. This desk is staffed Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.

Technical Support FAQs

Here are the Frequently Asked Questions related to technical issues. If you do not see the solution to your particular problem or need additional assistance, please email the SCPS Helpdesk. The desk is staffed Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm.

I Need My Computing and SIS IDs.
If you do not know your UVA computing ID and password, go to Get Started With IT at UVA and follow the Student IT Checklist.  

I lost or forgot my password. How do I reset my password?

Go to Create or Manage Your UVA computing ID and Password.  

I am having trouble using UVAPay to pay for my class.
Log in to SIS using your computing ID and password.  Under Finances, there is a link to UVAPay.  From here, you will be able to set up a payment method and pay your bill. If you are having trouble using UVAPay, please contact Student Financial Services at 434.924.6000 or

How do I turn off my pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer 10 or 11 (IE10 or IE11)?

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click or tap the Tools button, and then click or tap Internet Options.
  3. On the Privacy tab, under the Pop-Up Blocker, select or clear the Turn On Pop-Up Blocker.

Once you are done, you can turn it back on using the same steps.

I am having trouble accessing the Student Information System (SIS) using Internet Explorer 10 or 11 (IE10 or IE11).
Most Internet Explorer web browsers have been updated to IE 10 or IE 11. Unfortunately SIS is not 10 or 11 compatible. There are two options available:

  1. Use another web browser.
  2. Setup Internet Explorer 10 or 11 (IE 10 or IE11) to use Compatibility mode.

Sometimes a web site you're visiting doesn't look like you expect it to. Images might not show up, menus might be out of place, and text boxes could be jumbled together. This can be caused by a compatibility problem between Internet Explorer and the site you're on. When a site is incompatible with Internet Explorer, you'll see the Compatibility View button in the Address bar. You can only turn on Compatibility View in Internet Explorer for the desktop.

To turn on Compatibility View:

See if the Compatibility View button appears in the Address bar.  (If you don't see the button, there's no need to turn on Compatibility View.)
Click or tap the Compatibility View button to display the site in Compatibility View. 

Once you turn on Compatibility View, Internet Explorer will automatically show that site in Compatibility View each time you visit. You can turn it off by tapping or clicking the button  again. Or, you can clear the entire list of sites using Compatibility View by deleting your browsing history.

I need my 9-digit university ID number.
Your University ID is a 9-digit number, sometimes listed on your UVA ID card.  Log in to the Identity and Access Management Portal to view your University ID.  

Other Electronic Resources

Tuition & Financial Aid

Understand what it costs to attend an SCPS program, how you can receive assistance in paying for it, how to pay for it, and more.


Information for SCPS students regarding adding or dropping classes and University withdrawal policies.

SCPS Class Notes

Keep up with fellow SCPS alumni through their personal and professional news! If you are an SCPS alum, share your update with us.