MOSAIC Literary Journal

Mosaic, the literary journal of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, serves as a conduit for creative expression and engagement. It is an inspiration, uniting learners from diverse backgrounds and geographies through the power of literature and art. For SCPS students, Mosaic offers a unique opportunity to participate in the submission and publishing process. 

Our pages serve as a showcase for the talents and achievements of our learners, providing a platform for them to share their voices with a wider UVA and online audience. Through poetry, prose, essays, and visual art, Mosaic celebrates a wide range of themes and perspectives, enriching the intellectual discourse of our program. We invite students to relate to each other and stretch their wings through artistic expression. Mosaic enriches intellectual experience and empowers us to become active participants in a broader world of literature, art, and publishing, equipping us with skills and confidence to pursue our passions. 

To participate:

Each spring there is a call for submissions. Students can submit original work throughout the summer and early fall.

View the most recent Mosaic issue

Four photos of seagulls - one in muted green, one in muted purple, one in muted pink, and one in muted brown